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Donate your time at Arnold Mill

How can I help?

There are several ways for parents and/or family members to volunteer at Arnold Mill Elementary School (AMES). Check out the many opportunities listed below.


Let us know you'd like to help!

There is ALWAYS a need for volunteer support! Browse opportunities on this SignUp Genius and sign up today. We will be in touch!


Fill out a Volunteer Form.

To volunteer at our school, you must have a completed and approved volunteer form on file. You must submit a new form at the beginning of each new school year. Completed forms can be returned to the Arnold Mill front office staff for processing.


Spanish version available here


Volunteer to be a Room Parent in your child's class.

Our wonderful teachers work so hard, but they need parent help. If you're interested in being a Room Parent in your child's class, please reach out to your teacher directly at the beginning of the school year.

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